A History Mystery on Bald Head island

Desiree Bridge, one of our Board Members, works at the Bald Head Island Conservancy. She told us recently about a mysterious object that has been appearing off and on on the beach during low tide. There’s all sorts of speculation as to what the object could be. 


Desi said, “Since the beginning of January the BHIC has been getting reports of a shipwreck on the island on East Beach, People were concerned that it a danger to the animals.”


“When an inspection was made tide was way high and nothing could be seen.  Since then we’ve had nasty storms, extreme tides, and with a fast approaching king tide the object has been emerging quickly out of the sand.  Evidently it was uncovered years ago but no one knows what it is:  Shipwreck, railroad tracks, an island structure that was never documented. 

Who knows?” 

“Photos were sent on to Ft Fisher by a resident.  Old Baldy wasn’t sure either what it is.” 

“It is fascinating with large and medium spikes as well as wooden spikes holding the bits together.”


“I went in early Monday to photograph it with coworkers who are in the photos for scale.  The Shoals Club is behind.  It is located right on the point of East Beach.”

Maybe you have some thoughts on the BHI mystery?  

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