Southport Historical Society General Membership Meeting
Join us for a potluck dinner and a little Southport history! Becky Felton will be our guest speaker, presenting “The Smell of Southport Money.”
We will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Wooden Boat Show (Saturday, November 2nd), the program features a short documentary video about the history of the Menhaden industry in the Cape Fear region beginning in the early 1900s. The video features Charles “Pete” Joyner, a Southport native who worked on “pogy boats” from age 17 until his retirement at age 70.
He and other folks who worked in the Menhaden industry will share their experiences and answer questions about this important and fascinating aspect of Southport’s maritime history.
Join old and new friends at the Southport Community Building for a pot luck dinner at 6:30 pm and the program beginning at 7:00 pm. This a free program and all are welcome to attend.