BCWRT Ladies Forum Monday, March 10th from 6-8 pm Murrow Hall Trinity United Methodist Church Free to BCWRT Members Non-members: $5 Reservations: brunswickcwrt@gmail.com
Second Tuesday Talk Aila’s Journal: A tail of Southern Reconstruction by Charles M. Clemmons
Place: Harper Library Date: Tuesday, March 11th Time: 10 am Reservations are suggested: 910-457-6237
Historical Society General Meeting Thursday March 27 6:30 pm Southport Community Building Free to all, no reservations needed
Southport’s Women’s History Banners Look for the 14 Southport Women’s History Banners on Howe St. in March! Thank you and Congratulations to the Southport Historical Society/City of Southport team that made it happen: Donna Rowntree, Jessie Labell, Carolyn Lucas, Donnie Joyner, Allayna Taylor, Liz Fuller and our SHS intern Jayme-Ray deMaudesley.
In case you missed it: Original performance “The Story of Celia Galloway, USCT Widow”, starring Tyanna Parker-West and James E. White, Sr. with Keyboardist Taraus Deas.
Researched, written and directed by Liz Fuller.
ADM Corp., Brunswick Arts Council, Brunswick County Black History Symposium, Brunswick County Civil War Roundtable, Brunswick County Historical Society, City of Southport, Downtown Southport, Inc., Federation of NC Historical Societies, Franklin Square Gallery, Friends of the Library-Southport and Oak Island, Historic Wilmington Foundation, Margaret and James Harper, Jr. Library, John N Smith Restoration and Preservation, Inc., NC Arts Council, NC Maritime Museum-Southport, Port City Java, Ports of Call Bistro, RE/MAX Southern Coast, Ricky Evans Gallery, Robert Ruark Inn, Southport 4th of July Festival, Southport Beautification Committee, Southport Dept. of Community Relations, Southport Magazine, Southport Oak Island Chamber of Commerce, Southport Public Works Dept. Southport Realty, Southport Spring Market, Southport Summer Market, The Adventure Kayak Company, The Brunswick Center at Southport, The Old Baldy Foundation, Inc., The State Port Pilot