Historical Marker Auction
Southport Historical Marker AuctionOwn a Piece of Southport History!
Own a Piece of Southport History!
The Southport Historical Society has a long history of providing the Southport community with a walking tour collection of historical markers. A few years ago, the Society installed new markers. Recognizing the historical and sentimental significance of the old markers, volunteers from the Southport Beautification Committee prepared them for display.
From May 31st to June 24th, the Society is holding an online auction to help each of these vintage markers find its permanent home.
In preparation for the auction, the Society is creating short videos highlighting each marker. Use the links below to view the videos.
To see the markers in person, please visit the Old Brunswick County Jail, on Saturday, June 10th, 17th, & 24th from 12:30pm – 3:30pm.