Latest Past Events

SHS Annual Business Meeting and Luncheon

Southport Community Building 223 E Bay St., Southport

Join us for the Southport Historical Society's Annual Business Meeting and enjoy a variety of delicious soups to be provided by the board members. Hear about the highlights from 2018 and find out the exciting things coming up this year!


Second Tuesday Talk: A Fierce Desire for Education Prevails

Margaret & James Harper, Jr. Library 109 W Moore St., Southport

Join us as SHS member Lisa Anderson discusses the upcoming exhibit series at the Southport Museum, African American History and Culture in Southport. The first installation will be focused on the history of education including the role of Rosenwald Schools, Jeanes Supervisors, and the impact of BCT/BCHS and it's educators on the African American community. Attendees are […]


Second Tuesday Talk: Exploring the History and Music of Sea Shanties

Margaret & James Harper, Jr. Library 109 W Moore St., Southport

Southport artist and musician,Tim Terman, will explore (and mostly likely perform) the music of the work songs that were commonly sung to accompany labor on board large merchant sailing vessels.
