In 2015, Captain Dickie Marlowe of the Southport Fire Department passed away. I could never forget Dickie and his many years of commitment to the citizens of Southport. Dickie volunteered for 56 years on the Southport Fire Department. For over 30 years of that time, he never missed a call that was given for help. As Fire Chief of the Department, I never worried that the fire engine would respond to the cry for help during an emergency as long as Dickie was alive. His commitment, dedication, and loyalty to the Fire Department were unmerited. He dedicated the majority of his life to helping others and serving his fellow man.
When I first learned of the brick program that the Southport Historical Society was doing, I knew immediately I must purchase a brick to memorialize Dickie’s memory and his many years of service.
Dickie was present at many historical fires in Southport. He assisted in the Miller Hotel Fire, Walton Willis Boat Yard fire, Gilbert Funeral Home, Dosher Flea Market, Southport Community Building, and the SS Ed Carter Ship Fire at Sunny Point. Many were the times that Dickie would be the first firefighter to arrive at the scene of a working fire and start rendering aid or pumping the ladder truck. After the Model T fire truck was restored, Dickie was the permanent driver of the truck always leading the 4th of July Parade and driving for funeral processions of fallen firefighters.
Dickie Marlow will always be remembered as a wonderful public servant of Southport. I am proud to know there is a brick displaying his name at Ft Johnston for years to come giving him honor for his many years of dedicated service.